The Department of English Language and Literature is one of the largest academic units in the School of Philosophy of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUoA) with a large student body of approximately 2,000 undergraduates and about 40 MA students and PhD candidates. Our four-year programme covers language and culture, literature and theory, theoretical and applied linguistics. All courses in the English programme are taught and assessed in English. During their first year of study, students also take optional courses in Greek, offered by other departments of the School of Philosophy. The Department has numerous bilateral agreements and a third of our student body may apply for a term abroad under the auspices of the Erasmus Plus programme. Graduates of the department are active in diverse professional fields, including education, translation, the public and the private sector. We are located at the university campus of the Zographou area, near the city centre, in the School of Philosophy.
We are pleased to announce that two members of the Literature-Culture Division of the Department of English Language and Literature, Professor Efterpi Mitsi and Professor Anna Despotopoulou, are recipients of two grants funded by the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (HFRI), for the following projects:
A. Representations of Modern Greece in Victorian Popular Culture (REVICTO)
Principal Investigator: Efterpi Mitsi
Research team: Anna Despotopoulou, Tatiana Kontou, Konstantina Georganta, Chryssa Marinou, Mathilde Pyrli, PhD candidate
Partner institution: Oxford Brookes University
B. Hotels and the Modern Subject: 1890-1940 (HOTEMS)
Principal Investigator: Anna Despotopoulou
Research team: Efterpi Mitsi, Vassiliki Kolocotroni, Athanasios Dimakis, Chryssa Marinou
Cooperative Institution: University of Glasgow
During the three-year duration of the projects (2020-2022), conferences and symposia will be organized in Athens and elsewhere.