Hall 723, 7th floor
Lab Staff
Since the transfer of our former lab technician, daily use of the Lab for students has been suspended until further notice. For enquiries about borrowing A/V material, or arranging for a class session, please contact the Faculty member who is the interim Director of the Lab, Dr. Christina Dokou, at cdokou[at]enl.uoa[dot]gr.
The Lab is open from Monday to Thursday from 8:45am-3:15pm and Friday from 9:00am-1:00pm
The aims of the Centre are as follows:
- the training of undergraduate and post-graduate students of the Faculty of English Language and Literature in all matters concerning issues dealt with in the various courses offered by the Faculty, and especially in the fields of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, English Language Teaching/ Learning, Lexicography and Translation, as well as in Anglophone Literatures and Cultures
- The provision of specialized courses and training sessions for:
- the improvement of undergraduate and graduate students’ linguistic and critical skills through technology,
- the comparative study of Greek and English,
- computer-assisted translation,
- the training of EFL teacher-trainees through/in the use of new technological applications in the field of Foreign Language Learning, Teaching, Testing and Assessment
- Film and Theatre Studies
- The support of infrastructure programs in the field of foreign-language education by providing databases, bibliographies, translations of canonical works, dictionaries, encyclopedic guides, and other such material
- The conducting of research by faculty members, postgraduate students and visiting researchers
- The pursuit of common projects between the Faculty of English Language and Literature and other Faculties, Centres, Laboratories, or Academic/Research Institutions in Greece and abroad
- The provision of services such as the implementation of special projects or advising.
Undergraduate and postgraduate students train in the Centre during workshops incorporated in the programmes of certain courses, in which attendance is mandatory. Based on their number and choice of courses, and according to the availability of facilities and material, students are divided into training groups in order to use the Centre. Postgraduate students can, however, use Centre equipment independently on their own, to work on their assignments/theses, or to complete research undertaken in the context of their academic training.
For the students of the CALL seminar, which is part of TEFL Practicum, a 7th-semester course of the Pre-service Teacher Education Programme offered by our Faculty, the following special provisions apply:
- Lists with the names of the students using the Centre to prepare their CALL seminar assignments should be available at the Department Secretariat (7th floor) and at the Library (9th floor), from where students can borrow CD-ROMS, floppy disks, and other educational material.
- Students must make prior reservations with the Secretariat for the days and hours in which they want to use the Centre. The Secretariat then notifies the Library regarding the reservation schedule.
- Students check out the educational material they need, as well as the keys to the Centre, from the Faculty Library, by leaving there their student ID. After each reserved session, students must return the material and keys to the Library, where their ID is returned to them.
The Centre is furnished with 20 PCs equipped with CD-ROM drives, 3 TV/VCR system, CDs and CD-players, A/V tapes and vinyl discs. The A/V material owned by the Centre covers the following fields:
- Language and skills development for students,
- Theoretical and Applied Linguistics—teacher training,
- Anglophone Literature and Culture—plays and films, electronic texts (literary works, bibliographies, corpora), author and poet profiles, live recordings of text readings, etc.